Learning Marriage from Your Parents

I was raised with somewhat progressive views on marriage.  It feels strange to even be typing that, and it’s certainly nothing I ever thought growing up.  I know that on the overall spectrum of views on marriage, the ideals with which I was raised would only be in the middle, and probably closer to the conservative side of the middle.  But it’s still so surprising to me how many people aren’t even that far. I’ve already shared my story about my college roommate.   The reason she and her boyfriend didn’t talk for years about division of labor in the household, … Continue reading

How Premarital Counseling Might Help Marriages

What comes next? The other week one of the local radio station’s morning talk program held a discussion on marriage. A young engaged woman called in. She said that she signed herself and her fiance up for premarital counseling. She did so, she claimed, because her husband-to-be doesn’t know anything about what a modern marriage ought to be like. Her beloved was raised by his socially conservative grandmother. Now that they’re approaching their married life it came out that he believes she will do all of the work around the house and take care of the kids. We’ve looked at … Continue reading

Do You See Your Marriage as a Commitment or a Contract?

This past weekend I attended a two day seminar at my church. It was a program called “Marriage on the Rock.” No, not marriage on the “rocks”…on the ROCK, as in strength and long-lasting. It was a great time of learning more about each other and ending it with a chance to renew your marriage vows. Since we just celebrated 20 years in September, it was quite fitting. One of the lessons that really stuck out to me was the whole idea of commitment. Too often instead of looking at marriage as a commitment, people tend to see it as … Continue reading

Fatherless Homes

There are so many conflicting sentiments about children growing up in single parent households. In some cases people say there are benefits. Children mature faster, learn more responsibility because they have to help out around the house. Then there are the naysayers. I read an article today that said children are feeling the impact of disappearing fathers. “Women are picking up the vast majority of responsibility for children in society,” said Alan Hawkins, BYU professor of Family Life. The Centers for Disease Control says that 85% of children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. The article went on … Continue reading

Family and Marriage Myths

The problem in trying to identify the type of marriage partner a person will choose and relate it to the family they grew up in, is there are too many variables. So much depends on the personalities involved and the relationships within the family. That’s why, in my opinion, making sweeping generalizations is not helpful and can in fact be harmful when choosing a marriage partner. My daughter and I are like in looks mannerisms and expression in characteristic, like the way we are both worriers. But there are plenty of other cases where we are not alike at all. … Continue reading

Disasters and Marriage

Disasters affect relationships in one of two ways. They can bring a couple closer together as they cling to each other for support and comfort and love. Or they can produce so much anger that people turn against each other and take out their frustrations on those closest to them. This is eyes exactly what is happening in Christchurch. Reports show ‘domestic violence has surged by 50 percent after a major tremor rocked New Zealand’s second city last September.’ That tremor was ‘the prelude to Tuesday’s quake that left at least 123 dead and destroyed parts of the city centre.’ … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Sexual Purity

Intimacy between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing. It can bind you together in a way that strengthens you both and solidifies your relationship. It is both an expression of love and the means for the creation of children—both of which are amazing blessings. But intimacy outside of marriage is damaging to both relationships and to individuals emotionally and mentally which is why Latter-day saints place such an emphasis on staying sexually pure. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet outlines some of the guidelines for Latter-day Saints of all ages. Being sexually pure is required for entering … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Give Gifts On Holidays?

Since my daughter was born, I’ve had the joy of experiencing a number of holidays for the first time as a mother. There’s something about sharing big days with a child that make it so much more meaningful and exciting. Holidays we’ve shared so far include Halloween, where we laughed at how cute our baby looked in her costume; Christmas, where we bought our honey a myriad of presents, even though she wasn’t old enough to open them; and Easter, where we all cheered when we got a picture of our daughter smiling with her Easter basket. For those holidays, … Continue reading

Do You Miss That Extra Paycheck Since Splitting Up?

If you miss having a second income since your divorce or feel you may have permanently messed up your children with the breakup, read on and see why this was truly the best decision you could have made. The truth is that many single parents live on one paycheck, myself included, but it’s not easy to leave financial security behind and venture off on your own. As a life and relationship coach, I’ve helped thousands of women over the years to get out of unhealthy relationships, raise their confidence, and find more fulfilling lives and loves. When a woman is … Continue reading

Is Your House Killing Your Marriage?

Is where you live making life more difficult for your marriage? That’s something that occurred to me and obviously to others too like architect Michelle McSharry.In the article yesterday about Australian Fathers, Michelle McSharry suggested two factors are making life harder for couples. One is the size of homes and gardens which is contributing to a high housework load. It’s an interesting fact of modern society that houses are getting larger while the size of families in them is shrinking. Most houses no longer include grandparents or extended family as they once did. It is usually only the husband, wife … Continue reading